Wow. I have been wanting to write this post for a long time, but the thought of placing this into words just did not seem fun. However, I figure offering my experience may help other brides who are in my situation maybe see a different perspective that they resonate with more. Who knows.
In February when the news really started circulating about the Coronavirus, I thought May 2 would be fine since it starts to warm up and everything could go on as planned. Boy was a I wrong! March 20th, I took my bridals and it was right around that time that I realized our dreamy Spring wedding was most likely not going to happen. March 23rd is when we decided to postpone to August, and March 24th I got sent home to remote work (until June!). By this point, our 2-week Italian Honeymoon was canceled and we got word that they were limiting social gatherings to 10 people. Needless to say, I have 5 siblings and 6 grandparents so 10 people was not an option. Also August 8th was the ONLY Saturday in 2020 that my venue, photographer, videographer, and caterer were available so I jumped on it. LOL
Postponing really hit me like a ton of bricks. I got to have one bridal shower and my bachelorette party (It was the end of February and you can read about it HERE), so it was not as bad as some couples had to go through, even thought Derek did not get to go on a Bachelor Party. But as any bride knows…. you have been planning what you want your wedding to be like since you were a little girl. Seeing all of these people who got their big weddings in the winter just did not seem fair. I cried and cried and cried. Derek and I had our wedding planned on May 2, because May 3 was our 5 year anniversary. The thought of waiting longer honestly just made me so upset.
During quarantine, Derek and I started going on walks in the evenings. It was a way that we stayed active and got to get out of the house. (The pups liked it too!). On the Thursday before our original wedding date, Derek asked if we could just cancel the wedding and buy a boat- lol. I obviously said no. I want a boat, but I wanted a wedding more. Once we started talking about it we tossed around the idea of getting married on our original date anyway and keeping our reception for August (and a short ceremony for photo purposes). We decided late Thursday night that we were doing it! Our officiant is the father of one of my best friends and our venue was my hometown courthouse. The only people who came were grandparents and siblings and Derek and I got MARRIED.
The main reason we decided to go about it this way was come August 8th, what if we go back to that 10 person rule. The thought of losing our original date and still not getting to have the Reception in August and having to move everything again sounded TERRIBLE. Not to mention May 2 was printed on EVERYTHING. August 8th now means more to me now that it did before we went ahead and got married. August 8th now shows me that I am strong and made the right decision before the State made me. August 8th will show me that people will still show up for you, even when there is so much uncertainty. May 2nd may be our anniversary, but August 8th will be a big day to remember for the rest of our lives.
Brides, if you are reading this… I promise you that whatever you decide to do, whether that be push your entire wedding to next year, have an intimate ceremony at the courthouse, backyard wedding, whatever else you may do. The day you marry your best friend will be the best day of your life.
If you guys were wondering why we decided to get married, why coronavirus is a big deal to brides, here you go! Also as a disclosure *I know there are other important things going on right now. I know pregnant women and their families are having to navigate their way through this virus bringing a life into the world. People who pass may not get to be celebrated in the way you had wanted to. This is just a brides perspective. Mommas and Brides, we all have the right to feel cheated during these happy times in our lifes.
If Coronavirus has taught me anything, it’s that I do not have to eat out all of the time. I am perfectly content (and kind of prefer) staying home, and hugging your friends and family should never be taken lightly again.
xoxo, Brooke Anne
Follow me on Instagram: @itsbrookeanne